Sunday, January 12, 2014

Cat 57

Cat 57: CopodeLeite.
Acrylic on canvas. 14" x 11".

CopodeLeite was found in a forest as a tiny white kitten only hours old. Later she developed tortie coloration with tabby markings, and very intense cobalt blue eyes. Maybe some Siamese ancestry? She is a beautiful cat, living in an apartment in Rio de Janiero.
The relaxed, odalisque pose appealed to me, especially with the closed eye and the folded ear. A lot of personality coming through.

At one point I had  a good deal of fussy detail in the foreground, including striped sheets, but that proved to be so distracting that the cat was getting lost, so it was simplified to suggestions of folds and shadows.

1 comment:

  1. Must be genetic. My desk is almost this cluttered including with an overflow of pens and pencils from the cans on shelves on the wall. Actually a cool pictures of the brush and paint collection. Keep them in your blog.
