Friday, November 29, 2013

Cat 53

Cat 53, Oscar on the quilt.
Acrylic on canvas. 11" x 14".

I was looking at this painting 3 years later in 2016, and had to make some changes. The original (below, left) had enough perspective problems in the quilt pattern, that it had to go- I could not tolerate looking at the strange alignments. Too bad, because I liked the idea of it. The overall composition was unfortunate in placing the cat so close to the right edge of the canvas, with the legs and tail all positioned the same distance to the edge. If I were to do this over I would shift the cat well to the left.
Actually, I think I would pick a less awkward pose. This one was really odd.
There were also some proportion issues and angles within the form of the cat that I attempted to correct. And finally, the intense saturation in all the colors was a bit much. It would be okay for the quilt to be saturated and bright, but not the cat.

2013: Oscar never really makes direct eye contact. He stares at a spot behind your head. Or through you, as if you were transparent.
When interrupted, he freezes and stares for a few seconds before resuming his activity.

He has interesting reflections of colors on his white areas. I also like all the angles going on, but wish I had given more thought to the quilt patterns, instead of winging it as I went. I ended up having to spend a lot of time repainting some areas, because the pattern alignment didn't make sense.

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