Friday, November 23, 2012

Cat 25

Rework painting in progress: I hadn't planned on spending the time on this one as it was a pretty unfortunate composition to start with. But I always liked the cats form in this one. This became an exercise in how to redirect the viewer's eye away from the perimeter and back into the center of the canvas.

Cat 25.
Acrylic on canvas board, 14" x 18".

Lizzy sitting in the box lid on the table at the window, with a pot of "kitty grass". I tried the commercially packaged seeds, but found she prefers chewing on the tougher wide blade wild grasses instead of the softer, finer grass.
I was initially drawn to the the strong lighting from the window, the subtle shades and reflections in the white of the pot and the cat being very still except for the flicking of her tail. There was interesting dappled light in the distant widow in the left background.
This went through numerous revisions,  changing the background, removing and adding the pot of grass.

I don't care for the tension where the cats face and back meet the window frame.
Why didn't I notice this before? I should have either overlapped these intersections, or given them more space.

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