Reworked paintings
I have been trying to convince myself to toss out a substantial stack of older paintings which just didn't work well for various reasons, and make more room in my work space.
I couldn't bring myself to trash all of them, and started reworking some to see what I came up with. Here is Cat 19 reworked-
This has really caught my interest, and I have since resurrected other paintings (#5, 9, 10, 14, 18, 19, 20, 28, 47, 50, 53, 55). I recall struggling with these trying to make them work, and getting pretty frustrated at the time. Years later it is gratifying to be able to identify the problem areas, come up with better solutions, and see some progress!
Some were simply bad compositions. Most commonly I did not give enough attention to proportions and angles, and tended to oversaturated colors competing with each other. And a disturbing "cut out" hard edge look.