Cat 62, Toby Chester (version 2 of Cat #45)
Acrylic on canvas. 14" x 11".
This is a second attempt at Cat # 45. The original (at left) was done in response to a story that was written about this cat by a friend. In both versions I chose to depart from the reference photo (a kitchen floor) and invented a background- something I find challenging, if not outright difficult.
I was not entirely satisfied with how I handled the foreshortened cat in the first version, but I did like the background textures and colors.
The general composition was problematic, placing the subject dead center within the frame, and the mirror image balance of background elements- a little too predictable. Another bothersome element was having the chin nearly touching the edge of the canvas, which created too much visual tension.
I decided to tackle it again, with the goal of paying attention to getting the proportions correct, adjusting the placement of the cat in relation to the frame edges and incorporating some forest type foliage which related more to the story written about him.
I am much happier with the proportions on the new version, and the less repetitious background. It may have been a better solution had I offcentered the cat more to one side, but I think this also works with the head angled to the right, and the tail angled to the left. The idea was to lead the eye from center of interest (the face), through the highlights in the foliage up to the focal point (the high contrast of the tail) and back around to the face again.
Did it work?