Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Raging River Bridge No.1008E, version 3

Raging River Bridge No. 1008E, version 3.
Acrylic on canvas. 16" x 20".

Another view of the bridge, standing downstream on the north west shore, looking up at the bridge with a lot of interesting reflections bouncing off the water, illuminating the underside of the bridge. To get this shot I had to slide down a steep clay hillside off the end of the bridge, and walk through a dry creek bed. Later I discovered I had been tramping on private property. Oops.

This time I tried drawing my guidelines on the canvas using a medium blue dry pastel, and this worked well. Any lines I didn't want were "erased" by brushing over them with a dry brush. The rest of the lines disappeared as I applied thin washes of paint.

I thought my focus would continue to be the trees, but the reflections bouncing all over were too enticing.
I will probably fiddle with this a bit more after I step away from it for a while. There are areas I think are weak and need to be resolved- some of the reflections around the large boulders aren't reading correctly to me; some of the boulders need to be tweeked and the stand of alders in the distance are disappointing.  They are just too vague.

1 comment:

  1. Now I remember this painting of the little bridge. The recent photos with more water in the Raging River and the mossy tree branches without leaves do look like good material for another painting. What about one with just the mossy naked tree branches? These with some kinds of lighting are very interesting. Even more so than in the summer with leaves on the trees.
