Friday, February 15, 2013

Cat 38

Cat 38.
Acrylic on Masonite. 12" x 16".

After a break, I started this painting with the intent of using a better strategy.   I tend to get in too much of a rush to start, and I would like to put more time and thought into the initial layout, and not spend so much time trying to correct it later on.
So I told myself if I feel the need to slap paint around, I will do that on an unfinished or abandoned piece, and not dive into this prematurely.

As this is a very smooth surface, I wanted to use that to my advantage and utilize the smooth surface instead of fighting against it. Perhaps try some linear effects by drawing into the wet paint with the "wrong" end of the brush, and exposing the under painting.

I'm not convinced this is finished. I think I will put it aside for a while and come back and tweak it with a fresh eye. I would like to soften some of the hard edges.

Later... after putting this up on the wall and living with it a few days, I went back in and started removing some of the green ground with an old metal dental tool, which produced an interesting texture on the left side.