Friday, November 13, 2020


Tollgate Farm Cow
9" x 12", acrylic on board

This was done on top of an older, unsuccessful painting so it had quite a lot of texture already built up.
I've been meaning to try working with cows. I like their bony structures and heavy masses.

This was difficult to photograph with the surface reflection and the green pigment. I can't seem to get the colors to show accurately- they aren't as saturated as this implies, and leans more yellow than it really looks.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Indiana Farmhouse


Indiana Farmhouse
12" x 16", acrylic on board

My friend Nancy shared photos she took around her area and I was drawn to this shot- as was she. We both ended up painting it, and this is what I ended up with. It was done over an extremely bad painting on Masonite board from 10 years ago and I had since sanded the surface down.
I liked the simplicity of the composition and value masses. I also wanted to push myself to using more visual texture. This was a good start.